
Are You Really A Boss....Bitch?!

Ladies, can we just discuss this phrase “Boss Bitch” because somehow I have seemed to have lost all understanding. The amount of women calling them self a “Boss Bitch” is ridiculous and annoying. Now, you know that I am pro female empowerment, so anything I do say is said in order to empower young women, therefore don’t get offended just take notes.

First of all I really want to explain to everyone what the word “Boss” actually means, ‘a boss is a person who is in-charge of workers or an organisation’.   If none of the above applies to you then you are NOT a Boss, I repeat you are NOT a Boss. This is crucial to understand if you intend on becoming a boss one day because your ignorance will get you NO WHERE!

Working a 9-5 shift in a stuffy office Monday to Friday, emailing your colleagues beside you does not make you a boss, it doesn’t even make you important in the eyes of society it just makes you a regular, simple, working class human being. I could even be generous enough to say that it makes you a hustler (and a bitch depending on your attitude) … but in no way shape or form does this make you a Boss.
(not saying working in an office is not great by the way). I’m guessing at this point you’re all thinking what type of female empowerment is this, she’s breaking females down and discrediting their hard work, when actually I’m doing the opposite. Think about all the protesting feminist have endured for the past century in order for women to acquire equal rights. Now in 2015, although not all equal, it’s the best it’s ever been for women and its only getting better. It’s time for us to now use this new found equality and uphold the same standard as men when it comes to being a Boss and producing results… I mean real results (not the type of results that gets you gold star next to your name on a crooked board that your line manager created), the type of results that create financial independence and influential power.

Think about it, could you imagine a man calling himself a Boss and all he does is work night shift at a supermarket…NO, this would never happen, because men have been taught the true meaning of what it is to be a Boss. On the other hand we women have been taught that if we aren’t at home cooking and clean all day then congratulations “You are now a Boss Bitch” – Computer says no (little Britain voice lol). Have you ever experienced talking to a male friend or any male for that matter and telling him that you want to start a business or even run an organisation? Well if not, the two main reactions are raising of eyebrows or sheer disbelief that you, a female, have been able to adopt a Boss mind set and to be honest I don’t blame them. Being a business woman myself, it’s hard to respect or accept anyone who calls themselves a Boss without really embodying the meaning and it’s actually quiet insulting that a huge number of women continue to do this and attach this stigma to our gender. Now I’m all for speaking things into existence (yes, I read ‘the secret’ too), but flippantly using the term “Boss Bitch” to describe yourself without really seeking the reality, doesn’t mean jack shit!!!! 

It may sound harsh, but I’m saying this because us women are so much more than claiming false titles and accolade to make ourselves feel better in the moment. We actually have the skills and ability to become what we desire. I think it’s so important for all women to put a stop to this now because the younger generation is watching.  Not to sound all Oprahish, but there are some many young girls thinking that all they need to do is put on some make up and pair of shoes and wahlah, they are now a ‘Boss Bitch’,  without putting in any work or fulfilling any goals.   At this point in history we are a nation of feminists, where the world really is our oyster. What are you going to do? Are you going to continue to call yourself a “Boss Bitch” or are you going to become THE BOSS…BITCH?

To help you become a real Boss Bitch here are 5 steps to follow;
1.     Ownership Ownership Ownership -
You must own something that you use or could potentially use to create some financial income. Whether it is a product, a business, copy rights, publishing, trademark, shares in a company, property anything – ownership is everything!!!

2.     Taking risks
Becoming your own boss or the boss of an organisation means you have taken the biggest risk you will ever take as your money is no longer determined by the accounts team at your job, it is all on you. As a Boss you have to take risks, playing it safe will make you a good manger but an awful boss. Bosses take risks, managers execute them as safely as possible.

3.     Be motivated and faithful
Becoming your own boss means you have to remain motivated, determined, faithful and optimistic at all time. The good, the bad and the ugly will happen to you when you are the Boss, but you can never allow any of these four attributes disappear from your character.

4.     Make money
Money does not need to be your main motivation to you becoming a Boss but it must be one of your goals. In reality if you are not making money it’s so easy to become de-motivated and lose your Boss mindset.

5.     Influence and encourage others -
When you become a Boss you automatically become a leader. You must be aware of this and be willing to lead and influence those around you to strive for greatness.

C xx

1 comment:

  1. You clearly have no idea what a bossbitch is.. .you do NOT have to own a business or corporation nor do you have to run around telling employees what to do in order to be a bossbitch..ITS A MOVEMENT OF THE MINDSET A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE NO MATTER THEIR POSITION IN LIFE, to remind themselves to always keep striving at what they do. Even if you work in a "stuffy little office" being a bossbitch means putting 100%in everything so that we can't be knocked down by people like YOU. who say your all for women empowerment yet your bashing women who work in a "stuffy office" girl sit down
