
Cut Myself A New Path..

Quite recently I wasn’t satisfied with the path I was on, so instead of complaining and feeling defeated, I made a bold decision and cut myself a new path.

You see, in life most of us are lucky enough to have the power of free will and choice, so why do we choose to stay stuck in situations that stagnate our growth? Make us unhappy? Or don't fulfil some sort of purpose? Whether it be our relationships, work, friendships, or life. 

I have realised that a lot of us operate out of fear, we don’t do things that we love, or even dream of doing because we are afraidBut afraid of what? Maybe of failure, maybe fear of what others may think – friends, family or even society. 

I’ve been reading a lot recently! And I now fully realise that life is one big experiment and the more experiments you take the better – Ralph Waldo Emerson. After all we only have one shot at life and there are NO re-runs! (This isn’t a movie #justsaying). I’ve decided to take control, I’ve decided to push fear to one side, and follow my passion, some people go for the traditional route, but I’m cutting my own path, and beginning a new chapter in my journey.  

I was inspired by Sophia Amoruso founder of online fashion ecommerce site Nastygal who told the Huffington Post.

“The world tells you: go to high school, get good grades. Go to college, get good grades. Start your first job and then you’ll get a better job. And that works for many, many people — but none of it worked for me. I tried, but I couldn’t find the reward in it, and I think there’s a lot of people who have varying degrees of that frustration, asking ‘where do I fit in?’ and ‘what do I want to do with my life?’ ”

“We think we want to do something, try it, don’t like it, feel like a failure because we spent time on it, and shift gears — and I think no one really talks about that, and the fact that that’s OK. Those cumulative experiences can turn into something really awesome. If you’re patient with yourself and you learn from your mistakes, you can achieve a lot.”

There’s also my favourite line from Maya Angelou’s book ‘Wouldn’t take nothing from my journey now’ which influenced the name of my title.

In new directions. “I looked up the road I was going and back the way I come, and since I wasn’t satisfied, I decided to step off the road and cut me a new path” How simple, yet so powerful. 

Don’t stay stuck. 

V x

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