
Get Over It - Everyone Else Has...

Do you ever feel  like no one cares about what you're going through?  Or No one calls to check up on you or comes to your rescue? Guess what sweetie ! NO ONE FUCKING CARES! Yep, You read correct. No one cares, well at least not the way you want them to. We get to an age where everyone is doing their own thing, focusing on themselves and strategising their next career moves or business venture. We all have people who care for our well being, but they aways seem to have their own interest and agendas. Good old fashioned selfishness! But whos wrong in this situation them or you? while you are standing around feeling lonely , you're neglecting your most powerful allyyourself! 

This was a situation Ive found myself in one too many times. If you know me (hi guys) im a vocal, animated and very sociable. Possibly one of the most confident people youd ever meet. However, I was an extremely secretive person in regards to pretty much everything. From dudes, bad childhood experiences to family issues. It was like I needed to feel like I was in control of everything, so ultimately my friends were as much in the dark as a stranger off the street. I submerged my self into helping, advising and coaching others because it gave me purpose, it gave me taste of the very thing I was starved of.  Later, my unofficial shrink told me this was called deflection. Apparently It helps me ignore the negative feelings and emotions I have inside, which inturn make the situation worst.